
The speed of operation

ensuring the success of our enterprise

We are constantly developing and multiplying the experience we gain every day. Our road to success is defined by the specialisation in particular areas of metal recycling central to our interests.

ISO 9001:2015

Z dniem 07.08.2023 nasza firma Stellmet Sp. z o.o. Sp.K. wdrożyła i stosuje System Zarządzania Jakością zgodny z wymaganiami normy: PN- EN ISO 9001:2015-10 w następującym zakresie:
handel odpadami metalowymi, w tym: kontrola, sortowanie towarów handlowych z podziałem na gatunki przy użyciu spektrometrów oraz przygotowanie wsadu hutniczego.



Jakich informacji potrzebujemy?
» gatunek
» ilość
» zdjęcie


Odbiór materiału
w całej Polsce
Wysyłka materiału kurierem
(możliwość za pobraniem)


» firma, płatność przelewem
(możliwość przelewu sorbnet)
» osoba prywatna
- płatność gotówką
przy odbiorze

że nas wybrałeś

Polub nas na:

About the company

A high demand for strategic metals such as tungsten or molybdenum encouraged us to create a company which effectively handles metal recycling. Several years’ experience and tons of recycled scrap have opened doors to further development. The speed of operation combined with selecting relevant methods for metal handling ensure the success of our undertaking.

We operate within the territory of the European Union and have partners in Poland as well as in other EU countries. We can be proud of cooperating with the largest companies in the industry. We are broadening our knowledge and obtaining new experiences to provide our clients with the highest level of service. The latest generation of portable devices for the analysis of the alloy composition allows us to immediately, precisely and credibly analyse the material. We are happy to cooperate with companies as well as natural persons interested in the sales of cemented carbide scrap, high-speed steel, precious metals and others. However, we are flexible and open to all your suggestions and queries.

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